Flame Graph


Flame graphs are a visualization of profiled software, allowing the most frequent code-paths to be identified quickly and accurately. They can be generated using open source programs on github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph, which create interactive SVGs.

Example Usage

Following is step-by-step instruction using seti as example:

  • Install systemtap and clone nginx-systemtap-toolkit:
    apt-get install -y linux-tools-`uname -r` git systemtap
    git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wxdublin/nginx-systemtap-toolkit.git
  • Get FlameGraph:
    git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph.git
  • Install kernel symbol
  • Install bonic and seti:
    apt-get install boinc-app-seti-dbg
  • create a SETI@home account and copy account key.
    boinccmd --project_attach http://setiathome.berkeley.edu <app key>
  • Generate On-CPU user space flare graph:
    cd ~/nginx-systemtap-toolkit
    ./sample-bt -p `pgrep seti | head -n 1` -t 5 -u > on.user
    c++filt < on.user  | ~/FlameGraph/stackcollapse-stap.pl | ~/FlameGraph/flamegraph.pl > on.user.svg
  • Generate On-CPU kernel space flare graph:
    ./sample-bt -p `pgrep seti | head -n 1` -t 5 -k > on.kern
    c++filt < on.kern  | ~/FlameGraph/stackcollapse-stap.pl | ~/FlameGraph/flamegraph.pl > on.kern.svg
  • Off-CPU User Flare Graph:
    cd ~/nginx-systemtap-toolkit
    ./sample-bt-off-cpu -p `pgrep seti | head -n 1` -t 5 -u > off.user
    c++filt < off.user  | ~/FlameGraph/stackcollapse-stap.pl | 
    ~/FlameGraph/flamegraph.pl > off.user.svg
  • On-CPU Kernel flare graph:
    ./sample-bt-off-cpu -p `pgrep seti | head -n 1` -t 5 -k > off.kern
    c++filt < off.kern  | ~/FlameGraph/stackcollapse-stap.pl | ~/FlameGraph/flamegraph.pl > off.kern.svg


In user level On-CPU graph, the top edges of boxes tells us who's running on CPU. Function seti_analyze is main user, and to be more specific its children functions 1) math algorithms: lcgf, float_to_uchar, f_getChiSq; 2) Memory related: GAUSS_INFO::GAUSS_INFO and GAUSS::!GAUSS_INGO. Kernel level On-CPU graph clearly say kernel only does four things: timer management, memory allocation, user/kernel switch and memory free. Kernel level Off-CPU graph just tells us the kernel is doing lots of scheduling. User level Off-CPU graph is the most difficult to understand. What caused the app off the CPU is not cleat at all. The root cause is I only did the user level tracing. To enable both kernel and user (like perf), I did: On-CPU Kernel/User: ./sample-bt-off-cpu -p pgrep seti | head -n 1 -t 5 -k -u> off.all c++filt < off.all | ~/FlameGraph/stackcollapse-stap.pl | ~/FlameGraph/flamegraph.pl > off.all.svg

From above we can understand well - the app invoke some syscall, and on the return, resume_userspace is called and because of timeslice already used up, another thread(process) is scheduled and so the app is in off-cpu state.